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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

dragons and griffins and all that other crap

i have always been a fan of mythical creatures. i like reading about animals and mythical animals tend to be a lot more interesting. i don't really care if they're real or not. so i found this diagram interesting. this shows the combination of different animals which make up each mythical creature. most mythical creatures are a combination of two to four animals and a lot of them with a human in the mix. if you can't read the diagram, click on the post title for a larger image.

robot unicorn attack

best game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

press z to jump
hold z down for longer jump
press z twice for double jump
press x to dash

dash through as many stars as possible

leave the music on

click title for link

Sunday, March 28, 2010


i'm going camping with my mom, my dad, and my friend nicholas in yosemite valley. There's a chance it might rain and snow every day! wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

have a happy happy root beer day!

today, february 2, is root beer day. international root beer day. look it up. it's a real holiday, like seriously, it's a real holiday. i celebrated by drinking the world's most expensive root beer, virgil's root beer. $6 for a four pack. look it up.

how did you celebrate international root beer day?

and here, for your entertainment, while you glurp down that amazing brew, are 6 facts about root beer.

1) root beer originally was called small beer and had a small amount of alcohol.
2) root beer is made with 16 different kinds of roots and herbs.
3) root beer was invented by the early american colonists.
4) according to cha cha, feb 2 is international root beer day.
5) according to wikapedia, dec 4 is international root beer day.
6) according to some other thing, aug 5 is international root beer day.

i say we celebrate all of them!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

lil drumer

this kid is 5 years old, completely self-taught, and sponsored.
to learn more click title.